Kamis, 25 November 2010

Download A Free Movie For Your Iphone

Ever since it became apparent that it was possible, many owners of Apple's new Iphone have been doing all they can to download free movies for their Iphone. The general consensus is that using Itunes and other download sites is becoming too expensive, with many owners preferring to get their downloads for free. If you like the sound of free downloads, read on to find out more.

A simple Google search regarding Iphone movie downloads will soon give you an idea of just how many sites claim to offer free downloads. At first this seems great, the only problem being that a good percentage of them are not as they seem, so you need to be very careful. Follow these guidelines to help you spot which sites are trustworthy and which have ulterior motives.

Firstly, you'll need to be prepared to pay. Obviously, the fact that you may have to pay can make it seem like you aren't going to be getting any “free” movies for your Iphone, but you'll find that the most trustworthy sites will charge you a membership or admin fee to give you access to their downloads. This isn't as bad as it sounds, as you are usually only looking at around $30 - $50, and in most cases this will cover you for life. You will literally be downloading things in two years time from that same membership fee. It's easy to see the value when you think of it like that.

Secondly, avoid sites with spyware/adware. It can be easier said than done, so make sure you have reliable and up to date security software, this is essential, and also a good tip is to avoid any sites with those annoying popups etc. You'll often find that the sites with popups and things are the very same ones that will install spyware etc, so try to avoid these sites for maximum safety.

Thirdly, be sure to avoid the torrent or P2P sites, also known as file sharing sites. These first came into popularity five or so years ago, and should be avoided for a couple of very good reasons- first of all, downloading stuff from sites like this is illegal in most territories, so check your own local laws first. Second of all, these sites can be a real haven for hackers and spammers etc. All the files are uploaded to the sites by other users, and mostly there is no supervision which allows them to upload whatever they like. This means you could be happily trying to download the latest Brad Pitt movie only to find that the file you download contains nothing but a nasty virus!

If you have an Iphone, you'll already know what an excellent device it is, and hopefully this article will allow you to get even more enjoyment from it. Thanks for reading.

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